Non-Profit Formation

Whats your Dream? Your Passion? How can you make a difference?

Maybe forming a Non Profit organization is the answer...

Do You have a vision ? We’re ready to help !

Forming a Non-Profit organizations is a complex and time consuming process. You have the vision, we have the ability and experience to navigate the paperwork jungle.

We will register your Non-Profit organization with Colorado and its agencies and followup with IRS registration.

We work with the founding leadership group on various matters such as the formal organization, recruiting board members, agenda items, marketing and other legal niceties.

Depending, on the Leaderships expertise, we help draft contracts, independent contractors agreements, employee payroll programs as well as marketing, fund raising, accounting and tax programs.

Calling all “do-gooders’ and visionaries..

The American concept of a Non-Profit group is somewhat unique in the world. Most American Non-Profits organizations started with a single person, or small group of people, with a vision to tackle some problem, some event, something outside of a state organized body desire to make a buck.

In much of the world, especially in Europe, political party’s , churches, or even the states, organize groups to further that their ideological, political or religious goals.

But a unique American “vision” has driven thousands and thousands of groups to organize “for a purpose.” Some of these Non-Profit organizations are huge… they rival big corporations in size and scope. But most are small… art clubs, civic rally points, special interest groups, sports teams, educators, kid’s activities, hobbiests… too many to count and too important to overlook.

Unlike most of the world, these Non-Profit, non-state organizations , are left to fin for themselves when it comes to money but, again unlike the rest of the world, the individual states and the federal government have given these organization special rights and the ability to fund themselves via tax deductible gifts.

Dollar and $en$e ideas for NPO's

A short guide to fundraising for founders and officers

Non-Profit organizations (NPOs) in the United States come in a variety of sizes and purposes and most of them are independent of the Government or its agencies. In Europe, and many other parts of the world, NPOs are mostly creatures of the Governments, unions, political parties or some corporations.

America’s numerous NPOs, mirroring the country’s libertarian bent, are financially smaller and struggle everyday with more complex funding problems than their European counterparts who receive specific and targeted government and party funding. Part of the reason for this disconnect is that in America, NPOs, whether they be true Nonprofits, Nor-for-Profit or Foundations, are legal organizations that allow donors substantial tax write-offs and other government benefits. Europe’s various tax structures offer far fewer tax donation options, more government involvement and many more legal requirements for NPO programs.

But this tax deduction factor is also the bread and butter of American NPOs, big or small, and in whatever form their founders envisioned. NPOs in this country have far more flexibility than foreign counterparts.

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Non-Profit Formation Package



  • File for Non-profit status with the State of Colorado and the Internal Revenue Service
  • Conduct business qualifying name search in the State of Colorado name data bank
  • Register nonprofit name, business and organizational information with the State of Colorado
  • Obtain an FIN/EIN from the IRS and an official IRS cover letter confirming that EIN/FIN
  • Obtain a valid Colorado Account number for nonprofit’s taxes and other legal matters
  • Obtain a Colorado Sales Tax account number (if applicable) for all tax matters
  • Obtain sales tax licenses (if applicable} from primary city revenue department
  • File initial applications for Workman’s Comp and Employee Liability insurance plans for NPO
  • Provide, review and establish employee personal file to include background, W2 and I-9s
  • Prepare Executive bio files and employee information data
  • Provide required information and forms necessary for banking and lending institutions
  • Conduct and provide forms for “First Board Meeting” and legal notices
  • Assist management with documentation for insurance, banks, and government agencies

NOTE#1: This $999 fee is for Far Point Colorado listed above and does not include extra charges that might be charged by government agencies, licensees, etc. Different government agencies have fees, deposits, etc for their filings, records, reviews, inspections and miscellaneous services. The new entity does not pay the Far Point fee until all paperwork is finished and approved but a $250 deposit is required to cover filing fees as may be necessary. This is a “pass through” charge only and the exact amount for these fees will vary.

NOTE #2: The Employee files will be include up to five employees/officers. There is an additional fee of $25 per employee/officer.

NOTE #3: One general announcement/notification letter is included for banks, government agencies, insurance etc. Additional letters are $30 each. Business Plans for Grant and loan applications and professionally written Policy and Employee Manuals are available at an extra charge.